Monday, July 25, 2011

Jack's Birthday

Today is my co-blogger Jack Hawthrone's birthday, let's get some happy birthday comments people.

I just want to say thank you, and what a pleasure it has been to have some embark on this crazy idea of doing a warhammer blog while still having to do all the crap one has to do in law school too.

He likes to paint, I like to play.

Happy birthday man.

Here is a preview of one of the badass kit bashed buggies he made for his loota ork army.

Finally a list I made based on what he wanted out of orks.

115 Warboss , mega armor, cybork body, bosspole
85 Big Mek Kustom Force Field

180 12 lootas
180 12 lootas
255 5 MegaNobz,  kombi skorcha, kombi rokkit, Trukk red paint job, reinforced ram

255 5 MegaNobz,  kombi skorcha, kombi rokkit, Trukk red paint job, reinforced ram
160 20 shoota boys, nob klaw bosspole
160 20 shoota boys, nob klaw bosspole

Fast Attack
70 2 warbuggies with rokkits
70 2 warbuggies with rokkits
70 2 warbuggies with rokkits

Heavy Support
100 2 kans with rokkits
150 3 kans with rokkits 

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