You have 4 scoring units, a hammer, and 4 mobile multi meltas running around, with some drop melta scattered around with hope.
The librarian has those powers as they would be the best for taking out xenos forces. Make a seer council reroll all saves, you only get one reroll total, and roast everything from necrons up with the flame template, also bringing a 3rd stormshield to the party.
The random drop assault squad is because I had 125 points and no idea what to use them on, so it's more attacks(especially with the Watch Captain nearby) a powefist, and a 5th drop pod so I can put three down on turn 1.
1850 Deathwatch Taskforce
175 Watch Captain Hannibal (Pedro Kantor)
140 Deathwatch Librarian, terminator armor with storm shield, Avenger and Null Zone
260 7 Deathwatch Killteam 175, 3 combi meltas, 2 combi plasma 2 combi flamer, lightning claw , drop pod
260 7 Deathwatch Killteam 175, 3 combi meltas, 2 combi plasma 2 combi flamer, lightning claw , drop pod
200 5 Deathwatch Assault Terminators, 3 lightning claws, 2 Th/Ss
210 10 Seconded Tactical Marines, meltagun, missile launcher, drop pod
210 10 Seconded Tactical Marines, meltagun, missile launcher, drop pod
Fast Attack
140 Seconded Land Speeder squadron 2x MM/HF
140 Seconded Land Speeder squadron 2x MM/HF
125 5 Deathwatch assault marines, powerfist, no jump packs, free drop pod
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