Saturday, February 12, 2011

Twitter armylist challenge!

My good buddy, and former doubles partner, Jyo aka @hungryclone, put up an idea of a challege list. Take some semi arbitrary parameter and make a list with it.
I gave him an old school ulthwe list. Guardians, psykers, no bikes.
He gave me this in return on his blog Team Shiv.

Here is my challenge list. All drop/flying tyranid list, max troops. Outflank etc. doesn't count.

Mycetic spore list 1997

265 Tyrant , hive commander, lash whip/bonesword, scything talons, toxin sacks , wings 
160 Parasite of Morthrex

160 2 zoanthropes , spore 
160 2 zoanthropes , spore
160 2 zoanthropes, spore 

160 20 hormagaunts, spore 
160 20 hormagaunts, spore
160 20 hormagaunts, spore
160 20 hormagaunts, spore 
160 20 hormagaunts, spore
160 20 hormagaunts, spore

Fast attack
132 22 gargoyles

 So yes, 6 anti tank models, that can only hit 3 targets when they come down, and they have to make a psychic test and hit. Risky. But there are 120 hormagaunts to leap on whatever comes out of the cracked metal boxes next turn.  
Parasite and gargoyles since I couldn't get more than one carnifex with the points I had left, so yeah this is a dumb list, but it would look impressive. 

So basically this is a hide the hive tyrant and get ready to see what happens turn 2..... it may not be effect

With that +1 to reserve rolls, and well,  the move at speed and assault whatever is closest anyway with or with out synapse.

The need for spores takes out most of the standard tyranid stuff. 

So basically this is a hide the hive tyrant and get ready to see what happens turn 2..... it may not be effective, but it will be entertaining. Get him into a position to direct the gaunts, and with the zoans, and the parasite being around, many will be in synapse range. But if not, they go as fast as they can into assault. 

So grab the dice, say fuck it and roll. This is all about luck. 

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